It is indeed a matter of pride for us to witness your association with this institution. Please
accept a hearties welcome from Al- hamd family. It is difficult to believe that we have successfully journeyed 4 years since its humble beginning at Hazaribagh as a Oasis school. At this juncture, we identify our contribution to the society as a little drop of water in ocean of communities services. However, we strongly believe that this little drop will make the Mighty Ocean one day. This confidence is derived from the noble fact that our institution is serving the educationally deprived in a rural area of Jharkhand.
It is a synthesis of traditional and modern education and aim at important its service to economically deprived section of different societies irrespective of any of biasness of caste creed and colour.
At Oasis School, Hazaribagh, with this note, we hope you will feel our passion and understand our approach towards education. We hope you will join us hand in hand to fight the war against rural illiteracy and to make positive impact on our future generation.